Keväällä 2000 jatkoin kesken jäänyttä kansiremonttia. Sekä keula-, perä- että paapuurin sivukansi, kansipalkit ja ylimmän laudan puolikas tuli vaihdettua. Nyt alkoi nämä pitää sadevedet ulkona. Enää ei punkat kastuneet samaan malliin kuin ennen. Ihan kokonaan ongelmasta ei vielä päästy, koska kajuutan katon maalattu kangasrakenne oli paikoitellen aika huonokuntoinen ja kaipasi remontointia. Kaikkea ei kuitenkaan yhtenä vuonna kerkeä, joten hätäpaikkauksia joutui tekemään. Purjehtimaan päästiin ja uusi kansi oli komea katsella.
In the spring of 2000 I continued the deck renovation that wasn't finished. I replaced the bowdeck, the stern deck, the port side deck, allmost all the supporting beams and the port side most upper board. Now the decks started to keep the rain outside. Now we didn't have similar problems than before with the bunks moisturing by the rain. Unfortunately we didn't get rid of the problem complitely because of the leaking roof of the main cabin. The roof was covered with a fabric that was painted. This sructure wasn't in very good shape and needed to be replaced. The spring time thou is short and it's impossible to do everything at same time. So I had to do some short time fillings. We still got the boat on the sea and sailed. The new deck was beautifull to watch.
Juhannusta 2000 vietimme Gullkronan seudulla.
The mid summer day 2000, at Gullkrona area.
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laatu ei ole hyvä. Nämä on kuvattu pienellä
filmipokkarilla ja paperikuvista skannattu.)
Klick the pictures to enlarge them.
( Unfortunately the quality of these older
pictures is quite bad. They are taken with
a little pocket camera and they are scanned
afterwords from paper pictures)
The mid summer day 2000, at Gullkrona area.
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(Valitettavasti näiden vanhempien kuvien
laatu ei ole hyvä. Nämä on kuvattu pienellä
filmipokkarilla ja paperikuvista skannattu.)
Klick the pictures to enlarge them.
( Unfortunately the quality of these older
pictures is quite bad. They are taken with
a little pocket camera and they are scanned
afterwords from paper pictures)
In the summer I made a holliday trip to Norway by car. Among other things we visited The Larvik maritime museum. It's the home museum of Colin Archer. Colin Archer was a scottish-norwegian naval architec. The hull form of Scylla is quite much based in to those original Colin Archer pilot boats. ( double ender, long keel, short mast,the form of the hull is quite thick ) We visited kind of roots of Scylla.

Larvikin Colin Archer- museossa.
In the Colin Archer museum.
In the Colin Archer museum.
Colin Archer- luotsikutterin
A model of a Colin Archer pilot boat.
A model of a Colin Archer pilot boat.
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